Finding God, in everyday life.

I believe one of my gifts is to encourage others and I love to encourage. One of my favorite quotes is by Ron Hutchcraft ministries "I love the word 'encourage' - when you do it you literally put 'courage in' too that person. Someone who may be more battered than you know, closer to going down or giving up than you can imagine. You never know when your encouragement might literally be the difference in that person’s life. When you’re bruised and hurting, it’s the person in your corner, who can get you back in the ring for another round" - Ron Hutchcraft. – …and so begins my new blog

When you can feel Gods presence, regardless of what’s going on in your life there just seems to be an inner peace that you can feel right to your core - I think of it as the Holy spirit bringing comfort, joy, and everlasting love.

Obviously when you are praising God and when things in your life are going well, His presence feels stronger and the peace that fills us as Christians is easy too find. Sometimes however life’s problems just get so BIG that we feel deserted by God - we can’t feel Him, we are not quiet long enough, to hear Him, or we are so caught up in our problem that we forget, that while we may have told God about it, we never let Him have control of it.

We are living in a fallen world and the only way to see through the darkness is to keep focused on the Light, on the living God who is supreme and sovereign over all.

Keep your eyes focused on God. It is often during our toughest trials that we feel God has abandoned us and we start to look down rather than look up to our heavenly father. Ps 24:   “Lift up your head and the King of glory will come” Invite God in to fight your battles. Set your focus on God. Put all your faith and hope in Him and trust Him to work everything out for His glory and your good. Trust Him with all your needs. Take your requests to Him. Rather than focusing on how big the problem is, focus on how big our God is! The battles belong to the Lord. Find comfort in the fact that He is on your side and is fighting.

Today, lift up your eyes to the Lord, even if you’ve been standing for a long time, even if you may feel weak and tired. Scripture says that when you feel weak, then He is strong! He is ready, willing and able to show Himself strong on your behalf when you invite Him to fight your battles

"Our every Joy and trial, our every earnest call
Is known too our father who made and loves us all
So till the clouds have lifted too let the sun pour through
just know His loving spirit is watching over you”.



  1. Love your new blog! keep it going, it will encourage many people.

  2. Look forward to reading more posts.

  3. This is soo inspiring Karen and I so look forward to reading future posts.
    Keep it going and keep going strong or God!

  4. What an inspiration and an encouragement. xxx


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