I saw eagles rising up and flying over South Africa. Singing unique sounds, united as one voice. As they sang and flew higher, feathers were falling, weighted by gold dust/glitter, they landed on South Africa. I was reminded, that we carry the very DNA of heaven, we are created IN HIS IMAGE.
What we decree and declare releases heavenly DNA over our land. We are created to overflow - living water!
As the gold dust and feathers touched the earth, the earth became full and the words we spoke began to take root, other eagle songs released "character words" that grew, multiplied and were fruitful.
(Glitter is not easy to clean up and the more there is the longer it stays, often found long after we have created with it) Let's visualize the weight of our words as we continue to call things into alignment with heaven, so we as a nation, can be a light to others - a nation known for peace, integrity, unity and generosity- a nation ready to be a blessing! A nation rising up & lifting the name of Jesus high!
Karen Edmondson