Intentionally seeking God more.
For a couple of years now I have been feeling like I should be doing more. I have had an idea on my heart that I believe is from God, but it has just seemed to big and possibly a bit silly for someone my age, someone like me. So instead, I have listened to society's expectations and felt like a failure for not 'fitting in' and for not being 'successful'. Even though God has designed us to stand out. Even though success is to simply be obedient to God. To shine His light and to love and serve others in whatever way we can. I have prayed and told God I would listen, if he opened the doors - but I never really let Him. While I said the words, I refused to take a leap of faith and instead kept trying to bargain with God - almost like I will do that Lord, if you will do this for me. :)
And as gracious as our Lord is, He has kept me moving slowly along the path, He has reignited a passion for seeking Him and his word. Each day drawing me closer to Him. Getting me ready to step (further) out of my comfort zone. Pursuing me, that I may trust Him more. And, in various ways, (cos I need alot of convincing ha ha) confirming that what is on my heart, is from Him.
A few weeks ago during the praise and worship at church, God showed me an image of myself standing on the edge of a river. The water stretched before me as far as I could see. As I was looking at the water, stepping stones started to appear on the water . They were not evenly spaced and went in more than one direction but then seemed to always merge back together. As I stepped onto the first stone, I saw Jesus walking beside me.The first few stones I could just step onto, but as I walked some were to far apart and I had to jump, as I did Jesus reached out and took hold of my hand, He steadied me to keep me from stumbling/falling as we walked together. It was such a great image for me - to to realise that it doesn't always matter where we are, God is with us. He will walk beside us and will lovingly guide us and bring us back to the path He has planned for us. He will help us every step of the way. We simply need to be obedient and trust him. He knows us intimately, He knows our hearts and dreams - for He gave them to us.
And so begins a new chapter in my life. Inspired and directed by God. Intentionally travelling, photographing, writting, encouraging and creating. I am Intentionally slowing down life - to notice God in every moment. I am Intentionally embracing a lifestyle of gratitude. I am simplifying things and getting back to the basics, focusing on God and His will. Tuning my heart to His and listening to the prompting of the holy spirit so as not to miss an opportunity to love, to serve, to encourage. May God be glorified in everything I do.
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