
A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post called deep water, about seeking and holding onto God, whatever season you are in. So many people are hurting and going through a difficult time and can relate to the post and so I thought I would write a part two. ..

"Hold it all together, everybody needs you strong. But life hits you out of nowhere and barely leaves you holding on, and when you're tired of fighting,  chained by your control. There is freedom in surrender. Lay it down and let it go.

So when you're on your knees and answers seem so far away, you're not alone, stop holding on and just be held.

Your worlds not falling apart its falling into place. I'm on the throne, stop holding on and just be held.

If your eyes are on the storm, you'll wonder if I love you still. But if your eyes are on the cross you'll know I always have and always will.

And not a tear is wasted, in time you'll understand. I'm painting beauty with the ashes, your life is in my hands..."

 ~ Just be held - Casting Crowns.

I love the words in the new Casting Crowns song.

So true how we feel we need to be strong and fix everything, when really we often have no control. So true how when we are in a storm, we focus on our problems and feel that everything is falling apart, we can't imagine how God, could turn it all to good. Let go and Let God. Sound advise. But not always as easy to accomplish.

We know in our hearts that Jesus is our provider and that He is far greater than any problem we are facing. Yet sometimes our carnal minds get in the way of our spirit and we feel overwhelmed,  we look up but instead if searching for Jesus we see only the high walls surrounding us as we feel helpless and even hopeless.

When we go through difficult seasons, it is imperative that we lean into Christ and his word. Often it is contra to how we feel, but as we focus on Jesus, He will strengthen us. He will fight for us. He will give us peace, He will carry us. So that when we look back, and wonder how we made it through everything, we will be able to glorify Christ, knowing that it was Jesus who enveloped us in his love and clothed us with his strength. Knowing that He never left our side. Knowing that he is on the throne and is in control and while we will have seasons of heartache and pain, he is with us, always. knowing that we are called deeper and often it is in difficulties that we grow. Trust God, for his hand is on your life and he has the very best plans for you. Just be still, stay focused on Jesus and let him carry you through.

Isaiah 26:12

"Lord , you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us."

Psalm 118:14

"The Lord is my strength and my defense ; he has become my salvation."

Philippians 4:13 NIV

"I can do all this through him who gives me strength."


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